Blog #11: You’re Often Dead Without Deadlines

woman consultant working on deadlines financial planning goals

“Delay is the deadliest form of denial.”  (C. Northcote Parkinson, English writer, 1909 ? 1993).

Here’s how to head off delay by a client:

You are in an initial interview where the next step requires the client to gather detailed financial information for you.  Your client assures you it will get done.  Next time this occurs, try asking this:

“I’m not in a position to give you a deadline to get me that information, but could you deadline yourself for me so I can know when to expect it?”

Most serious people will give a self-imposed deadline.  Make a date right then to pick it up.  Then ask:

“Will it be OK if I call a couple of days ahead of time to be sure you have it all together?”

Be sure to write a note or email to the client the day after the interview that summarizes what you need, and be sure to mention the client’s self-imposed deadline as follows:

“I look forward to getting the financial information we discussed [yesterday], and I really appreciate the deadline you gave yourself of [next Tuesday] so I can best schedule my time to go over it.”

This logic works anytime an impending event requires client cooperation.